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Dance Performance „Nothing Works (Shakira, Shakira)“

Dance performance Nothing Works (Shakira, Shakira) by Krizaj / Wehrli

Starring Jasmina Krizaj, Franziska Staubli, Robert Steijn, and Simon Wehrli

Concept, choreography and performance: Jasmina Krizaj and Simon Wehrli
Music an performance: Franziska Staubli
Dramaturgy and performance: Robert Steijn
Production: Verein lil (life is life)
Coproduction: Kunsthalle Winterthur, Festival Platforma Maribor (SI)

In cooperation with Reso - Tanznetzwerk Schweiz, Théâtre du Crochetan Monthey, TLH Sierre, Zeughaus Kultur Brig, and Dienststelle für Kultur Kanton Wallis

Supported by the City of Winterthur, Fachstelle Kultur Kanton Zürich, and Kulturabteilung Maribor

CHF 15, please book your ticket in advance at swehrli@gmx.ch